Gestionnaire des Ventes Télématiques et Site de Publicité autorisé par le Ministère de la Justice

Heure du serveur sam. 08/06/2024 heures 12:09 | Europe/Rome


Vente Synchronisation mixte Tribunal de Milano Échec n. 432/2015

Bâtiment industriel à Giussano (MB) - LOT 7

  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7

prix de baseEUR 413.139,00

État de participation

Numéro expérience6


LocationGiussano (MB)

Offre minimaleEUR 413.139,00

Enchère minimumEUR 5.000,00

Mode de courseSynchronisation mixte

Date limite de soumission des offresmar. 12/03/2024 heures 13:00

Date de ventemer. 13/03/2024 heures 16:30

Dépôt de garantie :10,00% dell'offerta

Temps de relance / prolongations1 minutes

Prime d'acheteurvoir Avis de Vente

Prix indiqués hors TVA et frais légaux

Données PVP
ID Inserzione2108785
ID Procedura769051
Tipo Proceduragiudiziaria
ID Tribunale0151460094
TribunaleTribunale di MILANO
RitoFALLIMENTARE (nuovo rito)
Anno Procedura2015
  • Soggetto
    ID Anagrafica4300676
    Soggetto Vendita1
    Soggetto VisitaNo
  • Soggetto
    TipoSoggetto specializzato alla vendita
    CognomeGobid International Auction Group Srl
    ID Anagrafica4300675
    Soggetto VenditaNo
    Soggetto Visita1
ID Lotto1923108
Descrizione (IT)Si raccolgono offerte per un fabbricato industriale con aree di pertinenza a Giussano (MB), via Diaz - LOTTO 7
Primo Identificativo1923108
IndirizzoVia Diaz
ProvinciaMonza e della Brianza
  • Bene
    ID Bene2549960
    Descrizione (IT)L'immobile risulta censito al Catasto Fabbricati del Comune di Giussano al: Foglio 8 - Particella 671 – Area urbana – Consistenza 3.530 mq Foglio 8 - Particella 646 – Sub 731 – Categoria D/7- R.C. € 10.962 Foglio 8 - Particella 646 – Sub 735 – Categoria D/7 – R.C. € 30.002 Foglio 2 - Particella 197 – Area urbana – Consistenza 2.240 mq L’immobile industriale si compone di: - Particella 671, Area urbana a servizio del complesso industriale sul quale si trovano, nella parte sud, l’accesso pedonale e carraio dalla Via Armando Diaz rispettivamente ai civici n° 27 e 29 per tutti i fabbricati ed aree dell’ex complesso industriale - Sub 731, area urbana sul quale insistevano diversi fabbricati direttamente a servizio degli immobili industriali, come le due centrali termiche a vapore, la centrale elettrica, la cabina del gas metano, numerosi silos e la cabina elettrica, interamente demoliti con totale rimozione degli impianti ad essi collegati; pertanto il bene ad oggi rappresenta solo i piazzali da cui si accede ai capannoni, molti di altra proprietà; - Sub 735, fabbricato ad uso industriale disposto su unico livello per una superficie commerciale di 5.541 mq; la parte produttiva è pari a circa 4.750 mq con altezza media di m 5,00, oltre a 400 mq per la parte servizi e spogliatoi, a piano seminterrato di circa - 0,90 m dalla quota piazzale, con altezza interna m 2,50 e 640 mq per mensa, cucina, sala visita e deposito al piano primo con altezza pari a m 2,70, ove non presente il pavimento galleggiante; al piano primo è presente un pozzo di luce di forma semicircolare ed una scala di collegamento con il piano terra anch’essa di forma circolare. - Particella 197 , area urbana della superficie di 2.240 mq, Area urbana a servizio del complesso industriale di cui 1.950 mq computati quale aree verde permeabile interna allo stabilimento ed i restanti 290 mq, esterni alla recinzione, destinati a parcheggio. Si prega di notare la presenza di difformità catastali ed urbanistiche. Sono inoltre presenti elementi in cemento/amianto
    Primo Identificativo2549960
    IndirizzoVia Diaz
    ProvinciaMonza e della Brianza
    Bene Immobile
    • Dati catastali
    Tipo DenunciaProtocollo
Dati Vendita
Data e oramer. 13 mars 2024 heures 16:302024-03-13T16:30:00
IndirizzoVia P.O. Vigliani 19
Prezzo base413.139,00
Offerta Minima413.139,00
Rialzo Minimo5.000,00
Termine Presentazione Offertemar. 12 mars 2024 heures 13:002024-03-12T13:00:00
Pagamento Contributo
Spesa Prenotata Debito
Contributo Non DovutoNo
  • Sito
    Tipologiasito pubblicita
    Indirizzo URL
  • Sito
    Tipologiagestore delle vendite
    Indirizzo URL
Data pubblicazione04/01/20242024-01-04

Description du lot

VENTE SYNCHRONE MIXTE - Bâtiment industriel à Giussano (MB), Via Diaz - LOT 7

Les offres sont recueillies pour un bâtiment industriel avec des zones d'appartenance.

Les offres d'achat peuvent être présentées :

- sous pli fermé avant 13h00 le 12/03/2024, au cabinet de l'Avv. Federica Commisso, situé à Milan, Via dell'Annunciata 21

- de manière électronique, en utilisant le formulaire web "Offre électronique" mis à disposition par le Ministère de la Justice via cette page web avant 13h00 le 12/03/2024

En cas d'offre électronique, il est conseillé aux utilisateurs de commencer les opérations de remplissage de l'offre bien avant la date limite fixée.

Prix de base aux enchères EUR 413.139,00

Les opérations de vente auront lieu le 12 mars 2024 à partir de 16h30

Pour plus d'informations sur le lot et les modalités de participation, veuillez consulter l'avis de vente et la documentation jointe

Détails de la procédure




ProfessionnelAvv. Commisso Federica

Pièces jointes

Biens inclus dans le lot (1)

  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7

Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 7

Giussano (MB)

Industrial building in Giussano (MB), Via Diaz - LOT 7

The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Giussano at:
Sheet 8 - Parcel 671 - Urban area - Consistency 3,530 sqm
Sheet 8 - Parcel 646 - Sub 731 - Category D/7 - Cadastral Rent € 10,962
Sheet 8 - Parcel 646 - Sub 735 - Category D/7 - Cadastral Rent € 30.002
Sheet 2 - Parcel 197 - Urban area - Consistency 2.240 sqm

The industrial property consists of:
- Parcel 671, Urban area serving the industrial complex on which, in the southern part, the pedestrian and driveway access from Via Armando Diaz are located respectively at numbers 27 and 29 for all buildings and areas of the former industrial complex
- Sub 731, an urban area on which there were several buildings directly serving the industrial buildings, such as the two steam thermal power plants, the power plant, the methane gas cabin, numerous silos and the electrical cabin, all completely demolished with total removal of the systems attached to them. connected; therefore the asset today only represents the squares from which the warehouses are accessed, many of which belong to other properties;
- Sub 735, building for industrial use arranged on one level for a commercial area of ​​5,541 square meters; the production area is approximately 4,750 square meters with an average height of 5.00 m, in addition to 400 square meters for the services and changing rooms, in the basement of approximately - 0.90 m from the yard level, with an internal height of 2.50 m and 640 square meters for canteen, kitchen, examination room and storage on the first floor with a height of 2.70 m, where there is no floating floor; on the first floor there is a semicircular light well and a staircase connecting with the ground floor which is also circular in shape.
- Parcel 197, urban area with a surface of 2,240 square meters, urban area serving the industrial complex of which 1,950 square meters calculated as permeable green areas inside the factory and the remaining 290 square meters, outside the fence, intended for parking.
Please note the presence of cadastral and urban planning differences.
There are also elements in cement/asbestos
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