Gerente de ventas telemático y sitio de publicidad autorizado por el Ministerio de Justicia

Hora del server vie 19/04/2024 horas 09:46 | Europe/Rome

Subasta n. 17556

Juzgado de Verona - Concurso n. 150/2021

EUROCOS - Immobili a Dolcè/Pastrengo/Vallarsa/Sant'Ambrogio di Valpolicella
5 Lotes
Asta immobiliare su
Asta immobiliare su
vie 31/03/2023 horas 16:30
lun 22/05/2023 horas 16:30
  • Descripcion
Cond. Generales Cond. Específicas Solicitar información Solicitar visita Dati PVP
ID Inserzione1924782
ID Procedura730578
Tipo Proceduragiudiziaria
ID Tribunale0230910097
TribunaleTribunale di VERONA
RitoFALLIMENTARE (nuovo rito)
Anno Procedura2021
  • Soggetto
    TipoSoggetto specializzato alla vendita
    CognomeGobid International Auction Group Srl
    ID Anagrafica3905427
    Soggetto Vendita1
    Soggetto Visita1
ID Lotto1759188
Descrizione (IT)Immobile industriale con terreni a Sant’Ambrogio di Valpolicella (VR) - LOTTO 1 - vendita telematica sulla piattaforma n.17556
Primo Identificativo1759188
IndirizzoVia Sengia - Loc. Domegliara
ComuneSant'Ambrogio di Valpolicella
  • Bene
    ID Bene2360469
    Descrizione (IT)L'immobile risulta censito al Catasto Fabbricati del Comune di Sant’Ambrogio di Valpolicella al Foglio 18:  Particella 2238 - Sub. 1 - Categoria D/7 - R.C. € 2.050,00    I terreni risultano censiti al Catasto Terreni del Comune di Sant’Ambrogio di Valpolicella al Foglio 18:  Particella 105 - incolto produttivo - Superficie 116 mq  Particella 106 - incolto produttivo - Superficie 1.500 mq  Particella 457 - Incolto produttivo - Superficie 929 mq  Particella 107 - Incolto produttivo - Superficie 140 mq    Il lotto in oggetto si compone di un fabbricato industriale e dei terreni realizzati in zona di tutela-fascia di rispetto e soggetti a vincolo paesaggistico ed idrogeologico.  Sono stati pavimentati e sono stati realizzati dei setti in cemento armato che hanno la funzione di separatori e deposito dei granulati, sopra i setti sono installate delle strutture in acciaio e lamiera con funzione di copertura del materiale depositato. Inoltre sono presenti altre strutture in acciaio a protezione di macchinari specifici per la lavorazione dei materiali lapidei.  Le coperture realizzate non sono sanabili e dovranno essere rimosse, mentre per gli altri manufatti, che non generano volumetria o superficie coperta, sarà necessario presentare una richiesta di Compatibilità paesaggistica e una SCIA in sanatoria.  Gli interventi sui terreni oggetto di sanatoria non necessitano di inserimento in mappa/variazione catastale in quanto manufatti che non generano superficie coperta o volumetria.  Il fabbricato esistente è accatastato correttamente e in conformità con lo stato dei luoghi.    L'onere per la liberazione dell'immobile sarà a carico dell'aggiudicatario.  
    Primo Identificativo2360469
    IndirizzoVia Sengia - Loc. Domegliara
    ComuneSant'Ambrogio di Valpolicella
    Bene Immobile
    • Dati catastali
    Tipo DenunciaProtocollo
Dati Vendita
Data e oralun 22 mayo 2023 horas 16:302023-05-22T16:30:00
Indirizzovendita telematica sulla piattaforma
Prezzo base193.000,00
Offerta Minima193.000,00
Rialzo Minimo1.000,00
Termine Presentazione Offertelun 22 mayo 2023 horas 16:302023-05-22T16:30:00
Pagamento Contributo
Spesa Prenotata Debito
Contributo Non DovutoNo
  • Sito
    Tipologiasito pubblicita
    Indirizzo URL
Giorni Pubblicità180
Data pubblicazione07/04/20232023-04-07
  • Evento
    NotaAsta deserta
    Data pubblicazione22/12/2023
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Industrial building with lands in Sant’Ambrogio di Valpolicella (VR) - LOT 1


Industrial building with lands in Sant’Ambrogio di Valpolicella (VR) - LOT 1

Subasta 17556

Industrial building with lands in Sant’Ambrogio di Valpolicella (VR), Locality Domegliara, Via Sengia - LOT 1

The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Sant'Ambrogio di Valpolicella at sheet 18:
Parcel 2238 - Sub. 1 - Category D/7 - Cadastral Rent € 2,050.00

The lands are registered at Land Registry of City of Sant'Ambrogio di Valpolicella at Sheet 18:
Parcel 105 - Uncultivated land - Surface area 116 sqm
Parcel 106 - Uncultivated land - Surface area 1,500 sqm
Parcel 457 - Uncultivated land - Surface area 929 sqm
Parcel 107 - Uncultivated land - Surface area 140 sqm

The lot in question consists of an industrial building and land built in a buffer zone and subject to landscape and hydrogeological constraints.
Reinforced concrete partitions have been paved and have been built which have the function of separators and deposit of the granulates, steel and sheet metal structures are installed above the partitions with the function of covering the deposited material. There are also other steel structures to protect specific machinery for processing stone materials.
The roofs built cannot be remedied and will have to be removed, while for the other buildings, which do not generate volume or covered surface, it will be necessary to present a request for landscape compatibility and a SCIA in amnesty.
The interventions on the land subject to amnesty do not require inclusion in the map/cadastral change as they are artifacts that do not generate covered area or volume.
The existing building is registered correctly and in accordance with the state of the places.

The cost of vacating the property will be borne by the successful tenderer.

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.
It is also possible to request further documentation at e-mail pec adress
Ficha lote

Sant’Ambrogio di Valpolicella (VR)

Residential building in Dolcè (VR) - LOT 2


Residential building in Dolcè (VR) - LOT 2

Subasta 17556.2

Residential building in Dolcè (VR), Locality Ossenigo, Via Corno D’Aquilio 546 - LOT 2

The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Dolcè at sheet 5:

Parcel 532 - Category A/3 - Class 3 - Consistency 5 compartments - Cadastral Rent € 152.35

Residential property currently uninhabited and abandoned for several years, during the inspections it was possible to view the rooms on the ground floor, to be considered as accessories to the house, but it was not possible to access the living rooms on the 1st floor as they are lost the keys and locks are locked.
Except for the poor state of the premises, due to lack of maintenance, no problems of a structural nature were encountered, the systems are obsolete but it was not possible to evaluate the heating and sanitation devices because they are located in inaccessible premises.
The external area is completely covered by spontaneous vegetation which makes it difficult to assess the state of conservation.
Access to the property takes place via a gate with pedestrian passage directly from the public road of Via Corno D'Aquilio while to the north, internally, there is a driveway gate that connects the external area pertaining to the property with cadastral map 487 sub 3 (common good).

Please note that the deed of origin does not show the presence of easements or anything else that guarantees the right of passage and use of the existing driveway entrance.

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.
It is also possible to request further documentation at e-mail pec adress
Ficha lote

Dolcè (VR)

Building for use as an electrical substation in Dolcè (VR) - LOT 3


Building for use as an electrical substation in Dolcè (VR) - LOT 3

Subasta 17556.3

Building for use as an electrical substation in Dolcè (VR), Locality Ossenigo, Via Nazionale - LOT 3

The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Dolcè at sheet 5:

Parcel 548 - Category D/1 - Cadastral Rent €60.00

The building in question has a technological function, it is an electrical substation serving the neighboring buildings used as storage and as craft activities above which, on the roof, a large photovoltaic system is installed. The building is of recent construction in an excellent state of maintenance and conservation.
The property is strictly at the service of the neighboring buildings, given the nature of the construction, it is not conceivable for any other use not connected to the existing system, it is therefore bound to this purpose.

The building, measuring approximately 4.40 x 3.60 m, with an area of approximately 16.00 sqm, is made of reinforced concrete. and left exposed, the roof is flat finished with sheet metal elements, the windows are those prescribed by the managing body.

Existence of real right for consideration in favor of ENEL Distribuzione: "The grantor has established in favor of Enel Distribuzione, which has declared that it accepts, an immovable power line easement on the buildings in question to be used as an electrical substation".

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.
It is also possible to request further documentation at e-mail pec adress
Ficha lote

Dolcè (VR)

Uncovered parking space in Pastrengo (VR) - LOT 4


Uncovered parking space in Pastrengo (VR) - LOT 4

Subasta 17556.4

Uncovered parking space in Pastrengo (VR), Locality Piovezzano, Via Piovezzano Vecchia- LOT 4

The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Dolcè at sheet 6:

Parcel 336 - Sub. 10 - Category C/6 - Class 1 - Consistency 14 sqm - Cadastral Rent € 39.77

Uncovered parking space in a private courtyard serving the recently renovated building for residential use.
The property is inside a private enclosed courtyard with an automated gate, accessible from the public road.
The parking space in question, not being traced or indicated, must be correctly identified.

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.
It is also possible to request further documentation at e-mail pec adress
Ficha lote

Pastrengo (VR)

Building land in Vallarsa (TN) - LOT 5


Building land in Vallarsa (TN) - LOT 5

Subasta 17556.5

Building land in Vallarsa (TN), Località Anghebeni - LOT 5

The building is registered at the City of Vallarsa:
- Real estate registry: CC 413 parcel 1500/4 sheet 1 category C/2, Class 1, Consistency 6 m2, surface 28 m2, R.C. €8.68; Property 1/4
- Land registry:
- CC 413, Type E, parcel 1500/4, land register number CC 2330, Cultivation Building area, surface area 219 m2 - Property 1/4
- CC 413, Type E, parcel 1500/2, land register number CC 2329, Cultivation Building area, surface area 3,012 m2
- CC 413, Type E, parcel 1500/3, land register number CC 2329, Cultivation Building area, surface area 1,017 m2
- CC 413, Type F, parcel 14264, land register number CC 2329, Unproductive Crops, surface area 750 m2

The properties in question are partially configured as an "access road" and a building lot. The cadastral maps that make up the "access road" are subject to the following easement:
- On 09/12/2003 - G.N. 5149/1 INTRODUCTION OF THE RIGHT OF SERVITUDE step on foot and with mechanical means, charged to P.E. 1500/3 and P.F. 14264 in favor of pdf 1500/5, pdf 1500/6 and pdf 14263; deed d.d. 11/18/2003, 2012 – Report 5513/2
The cadastral maps subject to easement rights are also used without any rights as vehicle parking and open-air storage, the cadastral map which constitutes the building lot is not used improperly, it is therefore free, the borders are clearly identifiable to the North and South, the presence of fences, and less identifiable to the East and West as there are no physical references.
The land previously defined as an "access road" has a rectangular shape, a flat topography, is partially asphalted and there is the presence of a building regularly registered in a state of abandonment and disinterest.

The cost of vacating the property will be borne by the successful tenderer.

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.
It is also possible to request further documentation at e-mail pec adress
Ficha lote

Vallarsa (TN)

  • 24
  • 36
  • 48

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