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Building area in Brescia


Inmuebles > Land Plots

  • Building area in Brescia 1
  • Building area in Brescia 2
  • Descripcion
OFFERS GATHERING - Building area in Brescia, Via delle Rose 8/A

The area is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Brescia at sheet 112:

Parcel 86 - Sub. 11 - Category D / 7 - Cadastral Rent € 4,054
Parcel 86 - Sub. 12 - Category C / 2 - Class 5 - Consistency 610 sqm - Cadastral Rent € 1,480.68

The area is registered at Land Registry of City of Brescia at Sheet 112 - Parcel 188

The building area in question, originating from the demolition of buildings, has a totally flat position, a trapezoidal shape and an area of ​​approximately 3,940 square meters.

The area in the current Territorial Governance Plan is located in the "Brescia - Caffaro" polluted site of national interest and is classified as B 3 R 2 "Fabric mainly for residential use" to which the rules contained in art . 62-a of the N.T.A. of the current Territorial Governance Plan.
The area appears to have been completely reclaimed as shown by the certification of the Province of Brescia of 31/08/2011.

The Municipality of Brescia had issued a building permit which contemplated the construction of the area in question and which project involved the construction of a building complex consisting of 26 real estate units of which 2 studios, 10 two-room apartments, 8 three-room apartments, 4 four-room apartments, two over basement villas for garages and cellars; the overall planned GFA was of approx. 2363 over sqm. 520 of loggias, porches and balconies and sqm. 2490 of underground.

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.

The gathering will be done using the following modes:

All bidders, except the subjects by law not allowed to take part in the gathering, after having joined the site, will fill in the offer form (published online) and send it undersigned for acceptance of the conditions proposed, at the following address in conjunction with the documents required.

Please check Sale Notice and specific conditions for further information concerning participation.

: 3940


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Buyer's Premium see specific terms


Solicitar información Solicitar visita Cond. Generales Cond. Específicas Dati PVP
ID Inserzione1803644
ID Procedura193209
Tipo Proceduragiudiziaria
ID Tribunale0170290098
TribunaleTribunale di BRESCIA
RitoFALLIMENTARE (nuovo rito)
Anno Procedura2016
  • Soggetto
    TipoSoggetto specializzato alla vendita
    CognomeGobid International Auction Group Srl
    ID Anagrafica3633410
    Soggetto Vendita1
    Soggetto Visita1
ID Lotto1651150
Descrizione (IT)RACCOLTA OFFERTE - Area edificabile a Brescia, Via delle Rose 8/A - vendita telematica sulla piattaforma n.16285
Primo Identificativo1651150
IndirizzoVia delle Rose 8/A
  • Bene
    ID Bene2237600
    Descrizione (IT)L’area risulta censita al Catasto Fabbricati del Comune di Brescia al Foglio 112: Particella 86 – Sub 11 – Categoria D/7 – R.C. € 4.054; Particella 86 – Sub 12 – Categoria C/2 – Classe 5 – Consistenza 610 mq – R.C. € 1.480,68 L'area risulta censita al Catasto Terreni del Comune di Brescia al Foglio 112 – Particella 188 L’area edificabile in oggetto, originata dalla demolizione di fabbricati, ha giacitura totalmente pianeggiante, forma trapezoidale e una superficie di circa mq 3.940. L’area nel vigente Piano di Governo del Territorio si colloca in zona di sito inquinato di interesse nazionale “Brescia – Caffaro” ed è classificata come B 3 R 2 “Tessuto a prevalente destinazione residenziale” alla quale vengo attribuite le norme contenute nell’art. 62-a delle N.T.A. del vigente Piano di Governo del Territorio.  L'area risulta essere stata completamente bonificata come risulta dalla certificazione della Provincia di Brescia del 31/08/2011. Il Comune di Brescia aveva rilasciato permesso di costruire che contemplava l’edificazione dell’area in oggetto ed il quale progetto prevedeva la costruzione di un complesso edilizio costituito da 26 unità immobiliari di cui 2 monolocali, 10 bilocali, 8 trilocali, 4 quadrilocali, due villette oltre interrato destinato ad autorimesse e cantine; la slp complessiva prevista era di mq. 2363 oltre mq. 520 di logge, portici e balconi e mq. 2490 di interrati.
    Primo Identificativo2237600
    IndirizzoVia delle Rose 8/A
    Bene Immobile
    • Dati catastali
    Tipo DenunciaProtocollo
Dati Vendita
Data e oralun 19 diciembre 2022 horas 12:002022-12-19T12:00:00
Indirizzovendita telematica sulla piattaforma
Prezzo base180.000,00
Offerta Minima180.000,00
Rialzo Minimo5.000,00
Termine Presentazione Offertelun 19 diciembre 2022 horas 12:002022-12-19T12:00:00
Pagamento Contributo
Spesa Prenotata Debito
Contributo Non DovutoNo
  • Sito
    Tipologiasito pubblicita
    Indirizzo URL
Data pubblicazione03/11/20222022-11-03

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Building land in Sabbio Chiese (BS)


Building land in Sabbio Chiese (BS)

Subasta 20944

Building land in Sabbio Chiese (BS), Via XX Settembre, Strada Provinciale Barghe-Brescia 

The buildings are registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Sabbio Chiese at sheet 4:

Parcels 368-370-3869-4270-4763

The building area in question there was originally an industrial plant, of which today only some of the internal departments remain (the foundry to the north, the mechanical processing, the galvanic department and the warehouses).
The front part, consisting of the residential house, the concierge and the company canteen, was demolished (Trade Union Ordinance no. 53 of 28.11.2017); currently present only the perimeter wall with the function of delimitation and confinement of the property.
The entire area falls into "transformation area 3" with a prevalent residential / commercial use and is subject to:
- requalification obligation
- remediation obligation pursuant to Legislative Decree n. 152/2006
- landscape - environmental constraint pursuant to art. 42, D.L. 22/2004
- waste disposal obligation.

The volume allowed, for building purposes, is equal to 34,281 cubic meters, corresponding to a gross floor area of ​​11,427 square meters. Of this surface, a part is intended for residential use (7,627 m2) and the remainder (3,800 m2) for commercial use. The aforementioned urban planning parameters derive from a specific Urban Planning Agreement, stipulated between the property and the Municipality of Sabbio Chiese in which the transfer areas were defined (638.53 square meters for primary urbanization works and 503.69 square meters for the formation of the connecting road) and the monetization of 10% of the achievable volume, quantified in €. 342,800.00 and fully paid by the property.
The appraisal of the real estate compendium takes into account the pollution of the subsoil as well as the costs to be incurred to make the area suitable for building (land reclamation) according to what emerged from the Characterization Plan of the site approved by the Municipal Administration of Sabbio Chiese during the table technical dated 27.06.2018.

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.
Ficha lote

Sabbio Chiese (BS)

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The lands are registered at Land Registry of City of Domodossola at sheet 11:

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Building area located on the outskirts of the municipality of Domodossola and more precisely in the Ex Indel area with a total surface area of 109,458 sqm.

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• Areas for private, agricultural uses – agricultural productive areas – E4 – productive uncultivated areas
• Areas for public uses and of public interest, roads, existing/newly planned roads
• Delimitation of executive urban planning instrument – P.P.E. – P.E.C. – P.E.E.P – P.I.P
• Buffer zone for waterways
• Areas subject to reclamation with permanent safety measures

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For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.
Ficha lote

Domodossola (VB)

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Le offerte di acquisto potranno essere presentate entro il giorno 15/05/2024 ore 12:00.

In caso di offerta telematica si consiglia agli utenti di iniziare le operazioni di compilazione dell'offerta con largo anticipo rispetto al termine fissato

Le operazioni di vendita si svolgeranno il giorno 16/05/2024 a partire dalle ore 15:30

Per ulteriori informazioni sul lotto e sulle modalità di partecipazione consultare il bando di vendita e la documentazione in allegato
Ficha lote

Sale date 16 mayo 2024 horas 15:30

Codevilla (PV)

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Le offerte di acquisto potranno essere presentate entro il giorno mer 10/06/2024 ore 12:00.

In caso di offerta telematica si consiglia agli utenti di iniziare le operazioni di compilazione dell'offerta con largo anticipo rispetto al termine fissato

Le operazioni di vendita si svolgeranno il giorno 11/06/2024 a partire dalle ore 11:00

Per ulteriori informazioni sul lotto e sulle modalità di partecipazione consultare il bando di vendita e la documentazione in allegato
Ficha lote

Sale date 11 junio 2024 horas 11:00

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Terreno a Belgioioso (PV) - lotto 14


Terreno a Belgioioso (PV) - lotto 14

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VENDITA SINCRONA MISTA - Terreno a Belgioioso (PV) - lotto 14, Via GIUSEPPE GARIBALDI 97

Le offerte di acquisto potranno essere presentate entro il giorno lun 13/05/2024 ore 12:00.

In caso di offerta telematica si consiglia agli utenti di iniziare le operazioni di compilazione dell'offerta con largo anticipo rispetto al termine fissato

Le operazioni di vendita si svolgeranno il giorno 14/05/2024 a partire dalle ore 15:00

Per ulteriori informazioni sul lotto e sulle modalità di partecipazione consultare il bando di vendita e la documentazione in allegato
Ficha lote

Sale date 14 mayo 2024 horas 15:00

Belgioioso (Pavia)

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VENDITA SINCRONA MISTA - Terreno a Belgioioso (PV) - lotto 15, Via GIUSEPPE GARIBALDI 97

Le offerte di acquisto potranno essere presentate entro il giorno lun 13/05/2024 ore 12:00.

In caso di offerta telematica si consiglia agli utenti di iniziare le operazioni di compilazione dell'offerta con largo anticipo rispetto al termine fissato

Le operazioni di vendita si svolgeranno il giorno 14/05/2024 a partire dalle ore 15:00

Per ulteriori informazioni sul lotto e sulle modalità di partecipazione consultare il bando di vendita e la documentazione in allegato
Ficha lote

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Belgioioso (Pavia)

Building area in Valdagno (VI) - LOT 2


Building area in Valdagno (VI) - LOT 2

Venta 22333.2

SALE MIXED LIVE - Building area in Valdagno (VI), Via Divisione Julia/Via L. Marzotto/Via Battaglione Monte Berico - LOTTO 2

We collect offers for a building area of 77,664 sqm.

Purchase offers can be presented:

- in a closed packet before 1:00 pm of day 11/06/2024, at office of  Rag. Adele Antonia Vasilotta, located in Milano, Corso Genova 27

- by telematic modality, using web form "Telematic Offer" made available by Ministry of Justice trought the present webpage before 1:00 pm of day 11/06/2024

In the event of the telematic offers users are advised to start filling out offer well in advance of fixed terms.

Auction base price EUR 621,540.00

Sale operations will take place on 12 June 2024 starting at 3:00 pm

For further information on lot and on participation modalities consult attached announcement and documentation
Ficha lote

Sale date 12 junio 2024 horas 15:00

Valdagno (VI)

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Building area in Valdagno (VI) - LOT 3

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SALE MIXED LIVE - Building area in Valdagno (VI), Locality La Favorita/Via Duca D'Aosta - LOTTO 3

We collect offers for a building area of 52,084 sqm.

Purchase offers can be presented:

- in a closed packet before 1:00 pm of day 11/06/2024, at office of  Rag. Adele Antonia Vasilotta, located in Milano, Corso Genova 27

- by telematic modality, using web form "Telematic Offer" made available by Ministry of Justice trought the present webpage before 1:00 pm of day 11/06/2024

In the event of the telematic offers users are advised to start filling out offer well in advance of fixed terms.

Auction base price EUR 400,128.75

Sale operations will take place on 12 June 2024 starting at 3:00 pm

For further information on lot and on participation modalities consult attached announcement and documentation
Ficha lote

Sale date 12 junio 2024 horas 15:00

Valdagno (VI)

Land located in Aulla (MS), Location Quercia in Via Malacosta
Haz una oferta


Land located in Aulla (MS), Location Quercia in Via Malacosta

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lot of land having a land area of over sqm. 60.000 of which were made buildings in tourist accommodation.
More information in the annex
Ficha lote

Aulla (MS) - Italy


Anuncio 482

Ficha lote

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Building plot in Borgo San Siro (PV) - SINGLE LOT


Building plot in Borgo San Siro (PV) - SINGLE LOT

Venta 8344

SALE MIXED LIVE - Building plot in Borgo San Siro (PV), via Roma - SINGLE LOT

We collect offers for any building plot of total 9,411 sqm.

Purchase offers can be presented:

- in a closed packet before 13:00 of day 30/09/2020, at office of Dott. Marco Mistò, located in Milano, viale Abruzzi 81

- by telematic modality, using web form "Telematic Offer" made available by Ministry of Justice trought the present webpage website before 13:00 of day 30/09/2020

In the event of the telematic offers users are advised to start filling out offer well in advance of fixed terms.

Auction base price EUR 155,300.00

Sale operations will take place on 1 October 2020 starting at 15:00

Only if for Single Lot does not receive any offers and/or does not give rise to the award, the sales experiment relating to it will be declared deserted.
On the same day, after the time set for the sale of the single lot, it will take place on the sale of individual lots identify with sale number: 8345-8346-8347-8348-8349-8350-8351
If the Single Lot is awarded, the bids received on the other lots will be rejected.

For lot and participation modalities further information consult sale notice and the attached documentation
Ficha lote

Sale date 01 octubre 2020 horas 15:00

Borgo San Siro (PV)

Building plot in Borgo San Siro (PV) - LOT 1


Building plot in Borgo San Siro (PV) - LOT 1

Venta 8345

SALE MIXED LIVE - Building plot in Borgo San Siro (PV), via Roma - LOT 1

If the Single Lot of the 8344 is awarded, the bids received on the other single lots will be rejected.

We collect offers for any building plot of approximately 1,255 sqm.

Purchase offers can be presented:

- in a closed packet before 13:00 of day 30/09/2020, at office of Dott. Marco Mistò, located in Milano, viale Abruzzi 81

- by telematic modality, using web form "Telematic Offer" made available by Ministry of Justice trought the present webpage website before 13:00 of day 30/09/2020

In the event of the telematic offers users are advised to start filling out offer well in advance of fixed terms.

Auction base price EUR 16,500.00

Sale operations will take place on 1 October 2020 starting at 15:00

For lot and participation modalities further information consult sale notice and the attached documentation
Ficha lote

Sale date 01 octubre 2020 horas 15:00

Borgo San Siro (PV)

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