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Heure du serveur dim. 05/05/2024 heures 01:44 | Europe/Rome

Industrial complex with lands in Modica (RG)


Immeubles > Industrial Properties

  • Industrial complex with lands in Modica (RG) 1
  • Industrial complex with lands in Modica (RG) 2
  • Industrial complex with lands in Modica (RG) 3
  • Industrial complex with lands in Modica (RG) 4
  • Industrial complex with lands in Modica (RG) 5
  • Industrial complex with lands in Modica (RG) 6
  • + foto
  • Description
Industrial complex with lands in Modica (RG), Contrada Musardi Giarrusso

The buildings are registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Modica at sheet 164:
Parcel 998 - Category D/7 - Cadastral Rent € 2,355 - sqm 610
Parcel 78 - Sub 2 - Category D/7 - Cadastral Rent € 2,200 - sqm 118
Parcel 1114 - Sub 1 - Category D/7 - Cadastral Rent € 700

The lands are registered at Land Registry of City of Modica at sheet 164:
Parcel 78 - 337 sqm
Parcel 146 - Arborated Pasture - Class U - R.D. € 21.94 - R.A. € 14.63 - 7.080 sqm
Parcel 182 - Arborated arable land - Class 3 - R.D. € 52.15 - R.A. € 24.94 - 8,780 sqm
Parcel 1094 - Arborated arable land - Class 3 - R.D. € 130.94 - R.A. € 62.62 - 22,046 sqm
Parcel 1114 - 476 sqm
Parcel 232 - Arborated arable land - Class 4 - R.D. € 132.14 - R.A. € 79.28 - 34,114 sqm
Parcel 234 - Arborated arable land - Class 4 - R.D. € 62.30 - R.A. € 37.38 - 16,085 sqm
Parcel 235 - Arborated arable land - Class 4 - R.D. € 2.78 - R.A. € 1.67 - 717 sqm
Parcel 242 - Tree pasture - Class U - R.D. € 32.72 - R.A. € 21.82 - 10,560 sqm
Parcel 998 - 1,370 sqm
Parcel 1092 - Tree pasture - Class U - R.D. € 94.46 - R.A. € 62.97 - 30,482 sqm

It should be noted that on parcel 1092, which is part of the plot to the north, there is the easement of way in favor of the land distinct from parcel 632.

The compendium consists of the following buildings:

A. "INDUSTRIAL SHED" within the parcel 998 sub 1
The shed, parcel 998, on one level and with a reinforced concrete structure. and in c.a.p., it is equipped with three entrance gates protected by metal sliding doors.
The gross surface area is about 600 square meters, the internal height is 6.30 meters measured at the intrados of the roofing slabs.

F. "BUILDING 5" within the parcel 1114 sub 1
This is the building falling within the original parcel 78, now parcel 1114, which is also part of the southern parcel previously identified.
The building, with a single elevation above ground, has a masonry structure and a partly wooden roof and partly a flat brick-concrete roof, accessible by an external staircase.
The building, used as a laboratory, offices and services, has a gross surface area of approximately 126 square meters and internal heights of 4.10 meters (average) in the area with a roof and 3.35 meters in the area with a flat roof.
The area currently uncovered in adherence to the east elevation, bounded on three sides by walls, and a small building intended for storage, adhering to the west elevation, constitute appurtenances of the building.

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.

: 728

: 131710 mq


Lot Suspendu pour

Prix de réserve

Surenchère minimale € 10.000,00

Buyer's Premium 3,00 %

Dépôt de Garantie : € 127.133,00

TVA sur le lot 22,00 %le cas échèant


Demander des informations Demander une vision Conditions Générales Conditions Spécifiques Dati PVP
ID Inserzione1734285
ID Procedura701544
Tipo Proceduragiudiziaria
ID Tribunale0890170099
TribunaleTribunale di SIRACUSA
Anno Procedura2016
  • Soggetto
    TipoSoggetto specializzato alla vendita
    CognomeGobid International Auction Group Srl
    ID Anagrafica3501701
    Soggetto Vendita1
    Soggetto Visita1
ID Lotto1596945
Descrizione (IT)Complesso industriale con terreni a Modica (RG), Contrada Musardi Giarrusso - vendita telematica sulla piattaforma n.15170
Primo Identificativo1596945
IndirizzoContrada Musardi Giarrusso
  • Bene
    ID Bene2172997
    Descrizione (IT)Gli immobili risultano censiti al Catasto Fabbricati del Comune di Modica al Foglio 164. Si tratta di due appezzamenti aventi estensione complessiva di mq 131.710, coincidente con quella posta a disposizione del piano concordatario, individuati come segue :  Particella 232 - mq 34.114; Particella 234 - mq 16.085; Particella 235 – mq 717; Particella 242 - mq 10.560; Particella 1092 (derivata dalla p.lla 909) - mq 30.482; Particella 1114 (derivata dalla p.lla 78) - mq 476; Particella 146 - mq 7.080; Particella 182 - mq 8.780; Particella 1094 (derivata dalla p.lla 997) - mq 22.046; Particella 998 - mq 1.370; Si fa presente che sulla particella 1092, facente parte dell’appezzamento a nord, grava la servitù di passaggio in favore del terreno distinto dalla particella 632. Il compendio si compone anche dei seguenti edifici: A. “CAPANNONE INDUSTRIALE” all’interno della particella 998 sub 1, con superficie lorda di circa 600 mq; F. EDIFICIO 5” all’interno della particella 1114 sub 1, con superfice lorda di circa 126 mq.
    Primo Identificativo2172997
    IndirizzoContrada Musardi Giarrusso
    Bene Immobile
    • Dati catastali
    Tipo DenunciaProtocollo
Dati Vendita
Data e oramer. 05 octobre 2022 heures 15:302022-10-05T15:30:00
Indirizzovendita telematica sulla piattaforma
Prezzo base1.271.328,80
Offerta Minima1.271.328,80
Rialzo Minimo10.000,00
Termine Presentazione Offertemer. 05 octobre 2022 heures 15:302022-10-05T15:30:00
Pagamento Contributo
Spesa Prenotata Debito1
Contributo Non DovutoNo
  • Sito
    Tipologiasito pubblicita
    Indirizzo URL
Data pubblicazione12/08/20222022-08-12

Lots liés

Industrial complex with lands in Modica (RG)


Industrial complex with lands in Modica (RG)

Enchère 17752

Industrial complex with lands in Modica (RG), Contrada Musardi Giarrusso

The buildings are registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Modica at sheet 164:
Parcel 998 - Category D/7 - Cadastral Rent € 2,355 - sqm 610
Parcel 1114 - Sub 1 - Category D/7 - Cadastral Rent € 700

The lands are registered at Land Registry of City of Modica at sheet 164:
Parcel 146 - Arborated Pasture - Class U - R.D. € 21.94 - R.A. € 14.63 - 7.080 sqm
Parcel 182 - Arborated arable land - Class 3 - R.D. € 52.15 - R.A. € 24.94 - 8,780 sqm
Parcel 1094 - Arborated arable land - Class 3 - R.D. € 130.94 - R.A. € 62.62 - 22,046 sqm
Parcel 232 - Arborated arable land - Class 4 - R.D. € 132.14 - R.A. € 79.28 - 34,114 sqm
Parcel 234 - Arborated arable land - Class 4 - R.D. € 62.30 - R.A. € 37.38 - 16,085 sqm
Parcel 235 - Arborated arable land - Class 4 - R.D. € 2.78 - R.A. € 1.67 - 717 sqm
Parcel 242 - Tree pasture - Class U - R.D. € 32.72 - R.A. € 21.82 - 10,560 sqm
Parcel 998 - 1,370 sqm
Parcel 1092 - Tree pasture - Class U - R.D. € 94.46 - R.A. € 62.97 - 30,482 sqm

The compendium consists of the following buildings:

A. "INDUSTRIAL SHED" within the parcel 998 sub 1
The shed, parcel 998, on one level and with a reinforced concrete structure. and in c.a.p., it is equipped with three entrance gates protected by metal sliding doors.
The gross surface area is about 600 square meters, the internal height is 6.30 meters measured at the intrados of the roofing slabs.

F. "BUILDING 5" within the parcel 1114 sub 1
This is the building falling within the original parcel 78, now parcel 1114, which is also part of the southern parcel previously identified.
The building, with a single elevation above ground, has a masonry structure and a partly wooden roof and partly a flat brick-concrete roof, accessible by an external staircase.
The building, used as a laboratory, offices and services, has a gross surface area of approximately 126 square meters and internal heights of 4.10 meters (average) in the area with a roof and 3.35 meters in the area with a flat roof.
The area currently uncovered in adherence to the east elevation, bounded on three sides by walls, and a small building intended for storage, adhering to the west elevation, constitute appurtenances of the building.

It is noted that the lot for sale in auction no. 17752 is contiguous to auction lot no. 17753, for which a similar request for sale was published on the portal, and that both lots form a single company compendium.
Those interested in purchasing the entire company complex can participate in the auction for lot by clicking here

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.
Fiche du Lot

Modica (RG)

Immobile Commerciale a Belpasso (CT) - lotto 1


Immobile Commerciale a Belpasso (CT) - lotto 1

Vente 22023

VENDITA SINCRONA MISTA - Immobile Commerciale a Belpasso (CT) - lotto 1, Contrada Piraino

Le offerte di acquisto potranno essere presentate entro il giorno mer 12/06/2024 ore 13:00.

In caso di offerta telematica si consiglia agli utenti di iniziare le operazioni di compilazione dell'offerta con largo anticipo rispetto al termine fissato

Le operazioni di vendita si svolgeranno il giorno 13/06/2024 a partire dalle ore 10:00

Per ulteriori informazioni sul lotto e sulle modalità di partecipazione consultare il bando di vendita e la documentazione in allegato
Fiche du Lot

Sale date 13 juin 2024 heures 10:00

Belpasso (Catania)

Casa Di Cura O Ospedale a Acireale (CT) - lotto 1


Casa Di Cura O Ospedale a Acireale (CT) - lotto 1

Vente 22246

VENDITA SINCRONA MISTA - Casa Di Cura O Ospedale a Acireale (CT) - lotto 1

Le offerte di acquisto potranno essere presentate entro il giorno mer 19/06/2024 ore 13:00.

In caso di offerta telematica si consiglia agli utenti di iniziare le operazioni di compilazione dell'offerta con largo anticipo rispetto al termine fissato

Le operazioni di vendita si svolgeranno il giorno 20/06/2024 a partire dalle ore 10:00

Per ulteriori informazioni sul lotto e sulle modalità di partecipazione consultare il bando di vendita e la documentazione in allegato
Fiche du Lot

Sale date 20 juin 2024 heures 10:00

Acireale (Catania)

Edifici A Destinazione Particolare a Acireale (CT) - lotto 2


Edifici A Destinazione Particolare a Acireale (CT) - lotto 2

Vente 22247.2

VENDITA SINCRONA MISTA - Edifici A Destinazione Particolare a Acireale (CT) - lotto 2

Le offerte di acquisto potranno essere presentate entro il giorno mer 19/06/2024 ore 13:00.

In caso di offerta telematica si consiglia agli utenti di iniziare le operazioni di compilazione dell'offerta con largo anticipo rispetto al termine fissato

Le operazioni di vendita si svolgeranno il giorno 20/06/2024 a partire dalle ore 10:00

Per ulteriori informazioni sul lotto e sulle modalità di partecipazione consultare il bando di vendita e la documentazione in allegato
Fiche du Lot

Sale date 20 juin 2024 heures 10:00

Acireale (Catania)

Commercial shed in Niscemi (CL)


Commercial shed in Niscemi (CL)

Enchère 21329

Commercial shed in Niscemi (CL), Contrada Pilacane

The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Niscemi at sheet 21:

Parcel 350 – Sub 1 – CategoryD/8 – Cadastral Rent € 9.372,00
Parcel 350 – Sub 2 – Category D/1 – Cadastral Rent € 2.248,00

The shed is spread over one floor and is divided into a processing area and an office area.
There are loading/unloading doors for commercial vehicles.

The sale includes the support structure of the sign and the sign itself, also a biomedical reader including software.
The photovoltaic system installed on the roof of the building is also included.

It should be noted that the property can only be transferred with the natural expiry of the existing company branch lease contract, and therefore starting from 02.12.2024.

It is noted that it is possible to pay the price in installments, as indicated in the specific conditions of sale

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.
Fiche du Lot

Niscemi (CL)

Industrial building in Niscemi (CL) - LOT 1


Industrial building in Niscemi (CL) - LOT 1

Enchère 21330

Industrial building in Niscemi (CL), Pilacane Locality - LOT 1


The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Niscemi at sheet 21:

Parcel 405 – Category D/1 – Cadastral Rent € 16,954.00
Parcel 182

The sale includes the support structure of the sign and the sign itself.
The small photovoltaic system is also included.
Please note that the property is subject to a tenancy agreement with tacit annual renewal unless canceled with 2 months notice.
This enjoyment contract will cease immediately in the event of a sale.

It is noted that it is possible to pay the price in installments, as indicated in the specific conditions of sale

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.
Fiche du Lot

Niscemi (CL)

Marketplace space in Augusta (SR)


Marketplace space in Augusta (SR)

Lot 1|Enchère 21925

Marketplace space in Augusta (SR)

Area pubblica presso il locale mercato settimanale, pianta e spianta, che si svolge nel giorno di giovedì, consistente in un posteggio a posto fisso contrassegnato dal n.70, giusta attestazione rilasciata dal Comune di Augusta in data 30/2/2010 .

it is specified that the sale of the stand can only take place in favor of a person in possession of the necessary professional requirements for the sale of food products.

The sale does not include the fee for occupation of public land to be paid to the municipality of Augusta
Fiche du Lot

Augusta (SR)

Apartment in Siracusa


Apartment in Siracusa

Annonce 21944

OFFERS GATERING - Apartment in Siracusa, Viale Zecchino 103

The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Siracusa at sheet 33:

Parcel 1092 - Sub. 8 - Category A/3 - Consistency of 5 compartments - Cadastral Rent € 464.81

The apartment is located on the first floor of a larger building.
Access is from the condominium staircase and internally is divided into an entrance hallway, two bedrooms, living room, kitchen and bathroom.
There are slight irregularities.

For further information consult attached appraisal and documention.

The gathering will be done using the following modes:

To make an offer you will need to register on the portal, click on the "Make an offer" button and follow the guided procedure to download the offer form.
The same must be returned signed, for acceptance of the proposed conditions, to the address together with the requested documentation.

Please check Sale Notice and specific conditions for further information concerning participation.
Fiche du Lot



Enchère 461

Fiche du Lot

Floridia (SR)


Enchère 461.2

Fiche du Lot

Floridia (SR)


Enchère 461.3

Fiche du Lot

Floridia (SR)


Enchère 461.4

Fiche du Lot

Floridia (SR)
