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Serverzeit Sa 01/06/2024 Stunden 18:18 | Europe/Rome

Apartment with cellar and attic in Bracciano (Roma)


Immobilien > Häuser und Wohnungen

  • Apartment with cellar and attic in Bracciano (Roma) 1
  • Apartment with cellar and attic in Bracciano (Roma) 2
  • Apartment with cellar and attic in Bracciano (Roma) 3
  • Apartment with cellar and attic in Bracciano (Roma) 4
  • Apartment with cellar and attic in Bracciano (Roma) 5
  • Apartment with cellar and attic in Bracciano (Roma) 6
  • + Foto
  • Beschreibung

Apartment with cellar and attic in Bracciano (Roma), Locality Olmata Polverina, via Antonio Varisco 12-14

The buildings are registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Bracciano at sheet 24:

Parcel 374 - Sub 42 - Category A/3 - Class 1 - Consistency 6 compartments - Cadastral Rent € 526.79

The apartment in question is located on the second floor of a building of greater consistency called "Il Salice", access is from the condominium staircase, and is internally divided into entrance/hallway, living room, kitchen, three bedrooms and a bathroom. There is a loggia accessible from the room.
The attic is located on the third floor of the same building and is accessed via the condominium terrace.
The cellar is located in the basement and has access from the vehicle ramp.

The property is currently occupied by debtors, but will be released by mutual consent at the time of sale

Please note the presence of cadastral and urban planning differences.

It should also be noted that the property was built in Surface Right. The release from the surface right provides for a sum to be paid to the Municipal Administration of about 13,000.00 euros for the transition from the surface right into property rights.

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.

Gewerbefläche: 100.37

Fläche: 80,15

Mq Dachboden: 16.04

Mq Keller: 3

Zugang: B2

Klavier: S1 - 2 - 3


Ausstehendes Los für


Mindestgebot € 1.000,00

Käuferprämie see specific terms

Kaution: € 10.048,00

Mehrwertsteuer auf Los 22,00 %wo zutreffend


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