Gerente de ventas telemático y sitio de publicidad autorizado por el Ministerio de Justicia

Hora del server vie 01/11/2024 horas 00:19 | Europe/Rome

Sacred Art

Subasta n. 6771

Juzgado de Perugia - n.
Venta n.12

Assisi (PG) - Italy

Ceramics - Sacred Art - Judicial Clearance - Perugia Law Court - Sale N. 12
Ceramics - Sacred Art - Judicial Clearance - Perugia Law Court - Sale N. 12
Ceramics - Sacred Art - Judicial Clearance - Perugia Law Court - Sale N. 12
116 Lotes
Reducción -100%
Oferta libre
vie 09/08/2019 horas 11:00
mar 10/09/2019 horas 11:09
  • Descripcion

Ceramics - Sacred Art

Voluntary Judicial Clearance - Perugia Law Court


On sale various ceramics and a large number of objects of sacred art, such as icons, paintings, vases, sculptures and statuettes.

For further information consult the lot webpages in the combination

Collection assistance costs are required. Due amounts for the available day of collection are indicated in lot webpage. For further collection dates additional costs please refer to specific terms of auction.

At the auction deadline, for highest bids, awarding will be subject to Customer approval.
Reserve price is indicated on the lot webpage. Lower will be the difference between the bid and the reserve price, higher will be the chance for awarding. Offers reaching the reserve price will determine the provisional lot awarding.
At the auction deadline, for highest bids, awarding will be subject to Customer approval.
Reserve price is indicated on the lot webpage. Lower will be the difference between the bid and the reserve price, higher will be the chance for awarding. Offers reaching the reserve price will determine the provisional lot awarding.

Lots are sold as is. Viewing is reccomended.
  • Visión:by appointment - 03/09/2019
  • Pago:Hasta al 16/09/2019
  • Depósito caucional:EUR 500,00
  • Gastos de administraciónaplicados
  • borrar todos los filtros
  • 24
  • 36
  • 48

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